Training AI Using Data
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Training AI Using Data
Students will explore, understand, and model how artificial intelligence is trained with data to make predictions.
Lesson Preparation
* Share the Interactive AI Training Model and Interactive AI Chatbot activities with students if you would like them to complete them individually.
* This hour of code lesson provides multiple opportunities to explore AI. Decide if you would like to model the AI tools, which activities you would like students to use, or if you would like them to choose their own exploration activity.
* Print the Completion Certificate for students.
Lesson Plan
Lesson Slides
Lesson Standards
Standard | Description |
AZ CS K-5: K.DA.S.1 | Recognize that data can be collected and stored on different computing devices over time and retrieved later. |
AZ CS K-5: K.DA.IM.1 | Discuss patterns in data to make inferences or predictions. |
AZ CS K-5: K.IC.SI.1 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
AZ CS K-5: 1.DA.IM.1 | Identify patterns in data to make inferences or predictions. |
AZ CS K-5: 1.IC.SI.1 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
AZ CS K-5: 2.DA.IM.1 | Describe patterns in data to make inferences or predictions. |
AZ CS K-5: 2.IC.SI.1 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
CA CS K-5: K-2.CS.1 | Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly based on user needs and preferences. |
CA CS K-5: K-2.NI.6 | Create patterns to communicate a message. |
CA CS K-5: K-2.IC.19 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others when communicating electronically. |
CSTA 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
CT 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
DE 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
FL CS K-2: SC.K2.CS-CC.1.1 | Identify a variety of digital tools used for communication and collaboration (e.g., online library catalogs and databases). |
FL CS K-2: SC.K2.CS-CS.6.1 | Identify tasks that are made easier because of computers. |
FL CS K-2: SC.K2.CS-PC.4.1 | Explain that some information is private and should not be shared online. |
GA CS K-2: CSS.EL.K-2.1 | Recognize that technology provides the opportunity to enhance relevance, increase confidence, offer authentic choice, and produce positive impacts in learning. |
GA CS K-2: CSS.KC.K-2.2 | Use digital tools (e.g. computers, tablets, cameras, software, 3D printers, etc.…) to build knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. |
GA CS K-2: CSS.DC.K-2.3.5 | Follow safety rules and exhibit responsibility when using a device. |
GA CS K-2: CSS.GC.K-2.7.5 | Participate in an online collaborative learning environment. |
GA CS K-2: CSS.DA.K-2.9 | Understand how people can use technology. |
GA CS K-2: CSS.DA.K-2.9.1 | Understand that technology is everywhere and changes our lives |
GA CS K-2: CSS.DA.K-2.9.5 | Identify that technological innovation changes how people live and work |
HI 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
IA 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
IL K-2: K-2.IC.17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
IL K-2: K-2.ET.B | Compare existing and emerging technologies, ideas, and concepts. |
IL K-2: K-2.ET.C | Describe how emerging technologies are influencing current events at a local and global scale. |
IL K-2: K-2.ET.E | Create new or original work by applying emerging technologies. |
IN K-2 CS 2023: K-2.IC.2 | Identify expected behaviors for working responsibly with others online. (E) |
KY CS K-5: E-IC-02 | Discover how computing devices have affected the way people communicate. |
KY CS K-5: E-IC-04 | Understand the importance of proper use of data and information in a computing society. |
KY CS K-5: E-IC-01 | Discuss how computing has impacted society. |
MS CS K-2: IC.1A.2 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
NGSS K-5: K-2-ETS1-1 | Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. |
NH 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
NJ CS K-2: 8.1.2.IC.1 | Compare how individuals live and work before and after the implementation of new computing technology. |
NM 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
NV CS K-5: 1.IC.SI.1 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
NY CS K-6: 4-6.CT.2 | Collect digital data related to a real-life question or need. |
OK CS K-2: K.CS.D.01 | With guidance, follow directions and start to make appropriate choices to use computing devices to perform a variety of tasks. |
OK CS K-2: 2.IC.C.01 | Identify and describe how people use different types of technologies in their daily work and personal lives. |
PA 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
TN CS K-5: AIT.7 | Infer and predict or propose relationships with data. |
TX K-5 CS: K.5 | Identify and demonstrate responsible behavior within a digital environment. |
TX K-5 CS: 1.3.A | Practice personal skills and behaviors, including following directions and mental agility, needed to implement a design process successfully. |
TX K-5 CS: 1.6 | Describe and demonstrate respectful behavior within a digital environment. |
TX K-5 CS: 2.3.A | Demonstrate personal skills and behaviors, including effective communication, following directions, and mental agility, needed to implement a design process successfully. |
TX K-5 CS: 2.7 | The student identifies appropriate ways to communicate in various digital environments. The student is expected to participate in digital environments to develop responsible and respectful interactions. |
UT CS K-5: 1.IC.1 | Develop the ability to work respectfully and responsibly with others whether communicating face to face or electronically. |
UT CS K-5: 4.DA.2 | Use data to highlight and propose relationships, predict outcomes, or communicate ideas. |
WA 1A: 1A-IC-17 | Work respectfully and responsibly with others online. |
WY CS K-2: 2.IC.C.01 | Describe how people use different types of technologies in their daily work and personal lives. |